Kidney stone size you can pass at home | Non- Surgical Treatment of Kidney Stones | Dr. Rajan Bansal

Описание к видео Kidney stone size you can pass at home | Non- Surgical Treatment of Kidney Stones | Dr. Rajan Bansal

Hello friends, today, my video is about a question that I keep encountering in the OPD on a daily basis. Kidney stone is a common problem. However, I treat most of the kidney stone patients without any surgery. Hence, here is an informative video which will give you an idea about the stone sizes and their probability of passing naturally. Remember, even if you have a small stone, it does not mean you should sit and home and do nothing. Always, always visit a urologist and take his opinion as well.

Stone size is an important factor but it is not the only factor that determines if the stone will pass through the urinary system. As explained in the video, there are a few other factors as well. Therefore, this video is only to help you get an idea. This is in no way a personal professional advice. So, always see your urologist whenever you have a urinary system stone related problem.
For any further questions, you can give me a call or whatsapp on 8601539297 - Dr. Rajan Bansal

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