Boise boy raises close to $2000 for Idaho Humane Society

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9-year-old Ben Miller of Boise might be a kid, but over the past few years, this third-grader has raised about $2,000 dollars for the Idaho Humane Society (IHS). How did he do it? Selling lemonade!

This week, Ben walked into IHS with a very special delivery. A large plastic bag full of cash, the proceeds from his most recent lemonade stand.

"We did a lemonade stand last weekend and we raised $1,150 dollars," said Ben beaming with pride.

Ben was so happy to hand all that money over to IHS.

"I wanted to donate money and give the animals supplies and food so they can be happy," Ben told KTVB.

This all started a couple of years ago.

"I started two years back and the first time I donated about $200 dollars, and the second time I donated about $600, and this time about $1,150," Ben said. "I usually sell lemonade, lavender lemonade, and cookies and dog treats."

Ben's proud mom, Amy Miller, says he has always had a heart for animals. He's a huge cat fan.

"He has just always loved animals, everything from saving rolly pollies on our walks, to reptiles. He loves dogs, buts cats are his favorite. He would spend every dollar of that money adopting every cat here if I would let him," said Amy. "I'm so proud of him and his heart, he makes me so happy."

IHS is always blown away by the generosity of kids in our community.

"When we see kids on their own ask for donations it just means the world to us," said Kristine Schellhaas, Communications Manager for IHS. "We are always in short supply of cat donations, and since Ben loves cats, we'll definitely use it to help cats! We are just so thankful. Thank you Ben, thank you Ben's family, from the bottom of our hearts."

The support for Ben's lemonade stands from his family, friends and our community has been incredible. For his most recent stand, people saw that he was doing this on social media, heard about it on the radio, and showed up in droves! Ben was so blown away by the number of people who donated who care about animals, too.

"I would say, thank you! I think I'm going to do this every year, or at least as long as we can," Ben said.

Ben is already making plans for next year's lemonade stand!


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