pyranometer working animation | pyranometer construction and working | pyranometer in hindi

Описание к видео pyranometer working animation | pyranometer construction and working | pyranometer in hindi

pyranometer working animation | pyranometer construction and working | pyranometer in hindi


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in this video I have explained about pyranometer construction and working principle

It is used to measure solar radiation intensity

Solar radiation comes on Earth from Sun that radius and which directly comes on the earth known as direct radiation and that radiation which comes on earth from reflect from cloud and small particles in atmosphere known  as diffused radiation .

Pyranometer consists of protecting lense black observer plate and thermocouple

Thermocouple had two junction hot Junction and cold junction .


1)  pyranometer solar radiation measuring instrument
2)  solar radiation measurement using pyranometer in hindi
3)  pyranometer solar time recorder
4)  what is pyranometer how does it work
5)  pyranometer and pyrheliometer
6)  pyranometer construction and working
7)  what is pyranometer
8)  application of pyranometer
9) pyranometer for measuring solar radiation




▪︎ (  Pathak_prince123  )  😊

Gamil :- [email protected]

Thanks 😇

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