Crazy film stock! | Washi Film W | Photo walk & process

Описание к видео Crazy film stock! | Washi Film W | Photo walk & process

Washi Films are quickly becoming my favorite way of getting out of the box creative results. Today I took out my trusty Nikon F3 to test out my first roll of the Washi W, & I thought I would take you along with me on a photo walk, to show you how much fun you can have in one day experimenting with this crazy film stock, I also filmed the developing process in the dark room for the first time! hope you enjoy this one!

Film Washi

The video I mentioned during development
   • Développement d'un film "W" (Washi)  ...  

Eva & Jimmy

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  / jamiltokmaji  

Eva's Instagram:
  / converging.lights  

Video filmed, Olympus OM EM-1 MKII


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