South Asian strategic stability a Pakistani perspective

Описание к видео South Asian strategic stability a Pakistani perspective

Brigadier Zahir Kazmi from Pakistan’s Strategic Plans Division presents Pakistan’s perspective on South Asian strategic stability.

Indian and Pakistani nuclear weapons, delivery systems, doctrines and postures are still evolving, and are posing new challenges to regional stability and global peace. Brigadier Kazmi discussed the peculiar nature and dynamics of strategic stability in South Asia, offered his assessment of its current state and identified emerging global and regional trends. He also considered the strategic measures that Pakistan was undertaking to handle the complex and intense mix of major powers, terrorism and nuclear weapons within South Asia, amidst the shifting sands of global power, wealth and technology.

Brigadier Zahir Kazmi has been Director at the Arms Control and Disarmament Affairs (ACDA) branch of Pakistan’s Strategic Plans Division since 2014. Earlier, he was the first Visiting Fellow for South Asia (Strategic Affairs) at the IISS. His interests include arms control, deterrence, non-proliferation, terrorism, and strategic and security issues in South Asia. He is widely published and a much sought-after speaker at prestigious international forums on strategic issues. His publications include ‘Normalising the Non-Proliferation Regime’, a 2015 article in the IISS journal Survival.

This event was chaired by Antoine Levesques, Research Associate for South Asia, IISS. It took place in the Lee Kuan Yew Conference Room, Arundel House, 13–15 Arundel Street, Temple Place, London WC2R 3DX*.


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