Clark Mills 6/21/21 Mill Fire

Описание к видео Clark Mills 6/21/21 Mill Fire

On 6/21/21 one of the former Hind & Harrison Plush Company mill buildings was struck by lightning in the Hamlet of Clark Mills (Town of Kirkland), New York. Here is a video that shows what happened and some of the operations that went on during the first moments of what ended up being a sever hour endeavor. Thankfully no injuries or loss of life occurred during the event. Kudos to the many Fire Departments and Agencies that came together to help protect the community.

Credits for the pictures to the many followers on Facebook that sent in submissions and to the photographers that took said pictures. Video is from the front facing camera on the Clark Mills Fire Department's station. Audio is from the Oneida County Emergency Services and their Fire Control channel during the dispatch and ops during the fire.

-Audio is off due to it being raw originally and there were other emergencies before and during the fire, most of the audio for calls not related to the fire has been edited out, but a little bit may still remain. The audio is in order of events, but the timing and pacing may be off in some spots, but i did try to keep things approximate with the 10min updates.
-Video is off a bit due to how the video camera stores the videos in chunks, also the time was off from the actual time.
-A longer version of just the Video and Audio for those interested is available here:    • 6/21/21 Mill Fire with Audio Extended  


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