Ballet Barre with Pianist🎹🩰【Beginner/Intermediate】ピアニストさんと一緒にレッスン!初級〜中級レベル✨-お家バレエ特別編-

Описание к видео Ballet Barre with Pianist🎹🩰【Beginner/Intermediate】ピアニストさんと一緒にレッスン!初級〜中級レベル✨-お家バレエ特別編-





An essential part of ballet lessons... It's music...!!
I am happy to be able to share my lessons with a pianist like you.
But my studio is in Germany and I don't have a piano in my studio.
I used the two civilized instruments I know (YouTube and Zoom).
I'm uploading this video with the hope that we will be able to safely travel again soon!

2:22 Warm UP
6:29 Plie
12:24 Tendu 1
16:39 Tendu 2
19:14 Jete
22:12 Pas de Cheval
26:07 Rond de Jambe
29:24 Fondu
32:30 Frappe
35:27 Adagio
40:16 Grand Battement
42:50 Port de Bras


Eduard Boechat(Ballet am Rhein)

また、サウンドデザイナーとして同校のユースカンパニーの公演に音楽を提供しVladimir Vassilevと共に同校のために考案された「くるみ割り人形」、「ドン・キホーテ」、「ジゼル」などのバレエ作品に携わる。2009年と2011年には、モスクワのボリショイ劇場にゲスト出演し、2010年から Salzburger Landestheaterにて芸術監督であり振付家でもあるPeter Breueと緊密な協力関係を築き彼の作品の音楽を担当する。

2009年にレーベルBoechat Records"を設立し、ブラジル出身のバレリーナ、Cecilia Kercheとのコラボレーションによる”Cecilia Kerche Ballet Class"やDVD"Galina Kravchenko"など、バレエ・トレーニングのためのさまざまなCDやDVDを発表している。

from Rio de Janeiro and completed with honours his piano training at the University there. From 2001 he was active as rehearsal pianist at the Bolshoi School in Brazil and accompanied training sessions, rehearsals and performances.

As Sound Designer he created music for the performances of the school with its youth company, and as coach he worked with Vladimir Vassilev on ballets devised for the school including “The Nutcracker”, “Don Quixote” and “Giselle”. In 2009 and 2011 Eduardo Boechat guested at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. From 2010 there followed engagements at the Salzburger Landestheater and close collaboration with the artistic director and choreographer Peter Breuer, devised the music. In 2009 he founded the label “Boechat Records” and has since then published various CDs and DVDs for ballet training, including for instance “Cecilia Kerche Ballet Class” in collaboration with the Brazilian ballerina Cecilia Kerche and the DVD “Galina Kravchenko – Character Dance”.




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