Jane Means shows us how to wrap a bottle

Описание к видео Jane Means shows us how to wrap a bottle

Many of the best Christmas gifts come in the shape of a bottle. We’ve never yet been disappointed to find a bottle of mulled wine, homemade lemonade, traditional ale, spirits, perfume or even cooking oils under the tree, and we think you’d be hard done by to find anyone who wouldn’t be pleased. Now while you might be chuffed to get your bottled gift home and cross your loved one’s name off the ‘to buy for’ list, there’s likely to be a little anxiety when you get the wrapping paper out and remember that bottles are the most stubborn of items to wrap. They simply refuse to lay still! Well never fear, because Jane Means - our gift wrapping style expert – has the answer.
Jane has been professionally wrapping for nearly 20 years, offering her luxurious skills to celebrities, high class brands and even a gift for the Queen. Throughout her career Jane has seen and wrapped it all, and so she has quite a few handy tricks up her sleeve to achieve a beautiful finish no matter the shape.
In this video, Jane demonstrates how to wrap a bottle with ease using a few clever folds here and there. Try her technique out for yourself this Christmas.


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