Power Vac PV2100 Portable Professional Swimming Pool Vacuum Cleaner

Описание к видео Power Vac PV2100 Portable Professional Swimming Pool Vacuum Cleaner

This is the Power Vac PV2100 Portable Professional Swimming Pool Vacuum Cleaner. I would say it is a game changer if you have a good size pool route and are looking to speeding up your day.

The Pv2100 is sold as a portable vacuum and no cart is needed. You simple need to carry the battery and the Power Vac back to the pool and that is it. The battery case in this video with the Power Sonic battery came in at 24 lbs. with the Power Vac weighing 14 lbs. Not too heavy and after a few pools you get used to it. You can also order a cart if you prefer.

This thing is amazingly powerful and using the Power Vac will cut your pool cleaning time dramatically. I was able to vacuum pools out at amazing speeds. And the Power Vac picks up everything in the pool. If you want to pick up algae dust or D.E. you will need to order those bags separate. But the two bags that come with it are sufficient for most pools.

The only additional items you will need are a 12V 35 Ah "Absorbed glass mat" (AGM) Battery or "Gel" Battery and a charger for the battery. You can find the links for them on my website:


To see a set up and walk-through video on the PV2100:
   • Power Vac PV2100 Set Up and Walk–Through  
Power Vac Large Service Cart for PV2100, PV220 & PV2500 Vacuum:    • Power Vac Large Service Cart for PV21...  
Power Vac Large Service Cart Installation and Set Up:    • Power Vac Large Service Cart Installa...  
Power Vac 26" Micron Bag For PV2100 - PV2500: Fine Debris down to 60 Microns:    • Power Vac 26" Micron Bag For PV2100 -...  

One Charge:
I wanted to see how many pools I could vacuum on one charge and the last clip in the video is of the Power Vac in the last pool - still working fine - although the bag is a was sagging a little but this thing had a workout over two days:

15,000 gallon pool
30,000 gallon pool
24,000 gallon pool
35,000 gallon pool
15,000 gallon pool
30,000 gallon pool
18,000 gallon pool
35,000 gallon pool
25,000 gallon pool
20,000 gallon pool

So it went through ten pool, most of them the largest on my pool route and still has a pretty good charge left. The battery life of the PV2100 should be sufficient for most pool routes.

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