Did Amy make it into Sonic Movie 3??? (AMY-VERSUS FINALE!)

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#SonicMovie2 finally arrived, but once again, Amy Rose was snubbed!
Now she's campaigning early to get in #SonicMovie3! Since the #Multiverse is a big thing now, thanks to Spider-Man and Dr. Strange, maybe Rosy the Rascal should create her own Multiverse of Madness...only then can YOU the viewer chose which Amy should be in Sonic Movie 3! Just in time for Sonic Frontiers!

After 2 years of your votes, the showdown of finalists Adventure Amy Rose, Sonic Boom Amy Rose, and Amy Rouge was here. Adventure Amy Rose won the right to be in Sonic Movie 3 according to your votes!

However, did Paramount and Sega agree? Did Amy Rose make a cameo appearance in Sonic Movie 3?

#sonamy #sonicxshadowgenerations #SonicFrontiers #SonicPrime #amyrosethehedgehog #amyrose #sallyacorn #amyrouge #sallyrouge #princesspeach #rustyrose


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