*NEW* SNOWBELL "Female Elf " Gameplay + Combos! Before You Buy (Fortnite Battle Royale)

Описание к видео *NEW* SNOWBELL "Female Elf " Gameplay + Combos! Before You Buy (Fortnite Battle Royale)

Support a Creator: Piz0 "With a zero"

Here is a before you buy on the new female elf, SNOWBELL! She came with 3 edit styles, default, blue and mint! Her back bling Cheery Chime, also has 3 edit styles, default, blue and mint! I included gameplay of all 3 styles and combos for all 3 as well, enjoy!

The creator of this skin is   / d3nni_yt  

#Fortnite #PIZO #EpicPartner

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PIZO's Social Media
Instagram: PIZOtv
Twitter:   / pizotv  
Merch: https://goo.gl/f4xvjZ

Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)

PIZO is mainly a Fortnite YouTuber who focuses on reviewing every new skin and any new cosmetic that comes out in the Fortnite Item Shop. PIZO made "Before You Buy" videos popular in Fortnite. He shows you gameplay, sound tests and visuals of new items in game! PIZO has also expanded to new games to Included Animal Crossing and Overwatch, enjoy!


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