Koffi Olomide 'Le Rambo' chante extract Henriquet album au Abidjan 1988.

Описание к видео Koffi Olomide 'Le Rambo' chante extract Henriquet album au Abidjan 1988.

In the summer of 1988, the Henriquet album appeared, named after the Miss from Congo elected that year. It is a huge success. Koffi Olomide becomes a phenomenon in the musical world of the two Congos. Moreover, during a program, Lukunku Sampu (†), star of Congolese television, describes him as the biggest current star of Zairian music. Like the previous album, it is made up of six tracks. In addition to the eponymous title, two titles are successful: Orphelinat and Djino.

A1. Henriquet "Miss Congo" 0:00
A2. Mal Aimé 7:27
A3. Djino 14:25
B1. Orphelinat 21:33
B2. Expérience 34:57
B3. La Ruta 28:45

Featuring – Dimitri (22), Manu Lima, Rigo Stars*, Ringo Moya
Mixed By – Jacky Reggan
Producer – Kaluila Louis Simon*
Written-By, Arranged By – Koffi Olomide


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