HEART ATTACK prevention tips, 6 simple ways

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In this edition - I will talk about the 6 SIMPLE WAYS TO PREVENT HEART ATTACK.

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Tip number 1
Quit smoking. Your chance of dying from a heart attack is 2-3 times greater than that of a person who does not smoke. It is a major cause of cardiovascular disease ( CVD ).Approximately one out of every four deaths from CVD, according to the 2014 American Surgeon General’s Report. The risk of CVD increases with the number of cigarettes smoked per day, and when smoking continues for many years. exposure to second hand smoke can increase your risk of heart attack. More than 33,000 non smokers die every year in the States from coronary heart disease from exposure to second hand smoke.
Smokers who quit start to improve their heart health and reduce their risk for heart attack immediately. Risk of having a heart attack is reduced by 50% after 2 years of quitting.15 years after quitting, your risk of heart attack is similar to that of a person who never smoked before.

Tip number 2
Lose weight through diet and exercise.
Obesity has already been proven to increase the risk of diseases like heart attack, stroke, hypertension and diabetes. reducing 10% of your initial weight reduces your risk of heart attack.
Reduce your carbohydrate. Reducing your rice intake by 20-30%, reduce your noodles intake by 20-30% and cut down on sugar intake by drinking plain water. If you have to take tea or coffee, don’t put any sugar in them.
Stop drinking all sodas and flavoured bottled or can drinks.
Increase your intake of fibre by taking more fruits and vegetables.
We know that vegetables and fruits are rich sources of vitamin C and beta-carotene. These compounds are potent anti-oxidants that prevent the build up of plaques within our heart arteries.
In addition, fruits and vegetables are very low in calories, they are full of fibre and fill up your stomach rapidly - making you feel fuller faster and overall reducing your calorie intake. Something else which most people may find surprising is that Nuts can protect you from heart attack. A research published online November 12 2017 by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed that those who ate nuts - such as peanuts, walnuts, almonds and cashew on a daily basis had a much lower risk of developing heart attack compared to people who rarely or never ate nuts.
Exercise is also crucial in the journey in weight loss.
The health promotion board Singapore recommends at least 150 minutes of exercise a week to maintain good health. Any exercise is good. Brisk walking, jogging, running, Yoga, Hit , whatever, just get moving.

Tip number 3
Sleep well and manage your stress. Adults who sleep less than 7 hours each night are more likely to suffer from heart attack, getting diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. Stress from various sources in life can also be a contributing factor for heart disease.

Tip number 4
Regular health screening. I would recommend regular health screening for adults age more than 40.
Adults between 18 - 39 years old can also go for health screening if they have strong family history or are obese.
As hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes and obesity are major risk factor for heart attack, yearly screening for these conditions are vital to detect them early and to treat them.

Tip number 5
Manage your chronic conditions well.
If you are already diagnosed with chronic medical conditions like hypertension, high cholesterol , diabetes , then your risk of heart attacks will be high.

Tip number 6
Recognise the symptoms early and seek medical attention promptly.
What are some of the warning signs that you may be suffering from early heart attack?
1) Stable angina: these are symptoms of chest pain, or dull aches of chest or a compressive feeling of the chest that may be triggered by
- exertion or exercise
- reduced by resting
- lasts usually not more than 5 minutes
- pain is recurring problem

2) unstable angina
These are symptoms of chest pain or dull aches or compressive feelings with shortness of breath
- that are out of the ordinary
- lasts longer,
- may not be triggered by exertion or exercise
- doesn’t go away even with rest

Some other symptoms may include
- shortness of breath
- excessive sweating or cold sweats even when you are not exercising
- fatigue, light headedness or giddiness
- sometimes just nausea and heartburn symptoms

0:00 intro
0:58 stop smoking
2:04 lose weight
5:13 sleep well & reduce stress
5:43 regular health screening
6:30 manage chronic conditions
6:59 recognise heart attack symptoms

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