In search of love: Amir's attempt to find her love in adversity

Описание к видео In search of love: Amir's attempt to find her love in adversity

Welcome to the documentary about the love between two young nomads, Amir and Ava, a heartbreaking shock for Amir and the loss of Ava and defeat against the devil. While Amir had returned to the village to free Hadi with Hossein, Azam calls Majid and wants Ava as soon as possible. while Ava and Azam are discussing, a voice suddenly comes from a distance. Zahra has come to help Ava. Ava and Zahra were about to escape when they were caught by Majid and Azam, they took Ava with them and Zahra They beat him to death. Has Ava lost Amir forever and is he forced to accept a forced marriage? Can Amir save Ava and Hadi with the help of Hussein and Zahra?

#plerd #peren #LoveStory
#ChallengingTraditions #BattleAgainstNorms
#Mother'sPrison #ObstaclesToEscape
#DefyingTradition #RelentlessLove


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