What is Managerial Economics? | Scope, Concepts, principles, Nature of Managerial Economics

Описание к видео What is Managerial Economics? | Scope, Concepts, principles, Nature of Managerial Economics

In this video, you are going to learn " What is Managerial Economics? or Introduction to managerial economics"
Managerial economics can be defined as the branch of economics which deals with the application of various concepts, theories, and methodologies of economics to solve practical problems in business management.
Topics you are going to learn are:
1. Definition of managerial economics / managerial economics meaning.
2. Role of managerial economics / Scope managerial economics.
3. Concepts of managerial economics - Supply and Demand Analysis, Cost Analysis, Pricing Strategies, Market Structures, and Risk Analysis.
4. Principles of Managerial Economics.
5. Nature of Managerial Economics.

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