Meet the feral kittens 😸!

Описание к видео Meet the feral kittens 😸!

Hi everybody.
Here is some footage of the usual gang along with footage of the new feral clan.

They have made pretty good progress so far. I haven't been able to spend nearly enough time with them because work has been ridiculous.
I am hoping the shelter here will have room for them soon.

The rest of the adult gang is doing ok. I have spayed/neutered 5 out of the 7 outside gang so far. Sadly we lost one of the strays after her surgery. May have had a reaction to anesthesia.
She never fully came out of recovery. It's rare, but it can happen. That's the first one in all my 8 years of rescue.

If I don't get a chance to post again, I hope all those that celebrate Thanksgiving enjoy their holiday.

Be good to each other. 😘


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