Wing On Plus Nathan Road Store (Department Store Elevator) - Schindler Miconic TX Traction Elevators

Описание к видео Wing On Plus Nathan Road Store (Department Store Elevator) - Schindler Miconic TX Traction Elevators

Here we have a Schindler Miconic TX with Dewhurst Fixtures which is boring for a department store elevator

Taken on 23 June 2023 with iPhone 14 Pro 720p 30FPS

Elevator Specifications:
Brand/Model: Schindler Miconic TX
Install Date: 1999
Fixtures: Dewhurst US90-15 (Buttons), M-Series Dot-Matrix (Indicator)
Floors Served: B2,B1,G,1-6 (9 Floors)
Maximum Capacity: 1800kg/24 persons
History: Orignal

Quick Review:
✅ Pros
Nice Dot-Matrix Indicator
❌ Cons
Dewhurst Buttons is boring
Basic Cab

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