Connecting the Dots (Cysylltu’r Dotiau) ©Lianne Morgan 2024

Описание к видео Connecting the Dots (Cysylltu’r Dotiau) ©Lianne Morgan 2024

In an increasingly disconnected world. I delve into how we connect with each other and our environment beyond the confines of words and language. My goal is to immerse the audience in the realization that we resonate with one another and our surroundings through ethereal, intangible means.

Our cells, bodies, and hearts communicate with others and the environment through frequencies - a symphony of light and energy that transcends conventional language. The heart, in particular, conveys profound emotions that words cannot encapsulate. This silent yet powerful language of the heart surrounds us, transcribing our emotions. Inspired by this, I created an audio recording of my heartbeat to serve as the catalyst for my explorations of connection.

I use my heartbeat as the central element for the piece Connecting the Dots. The piece is a live performance, and a collaboration between Dance and Movement Artist Anushiye Yarnell, Lianne Morgan Painting/Mark Making and Sound Artist, and David John Roche Composer and Musician.
There were no rehearsals and this piece was created spontaneously, resonating with each other and the environment in the moment.

These sessions are aimed to strip away boundaries, expectations, inhibitions, and restraints, fostering a pure exploration of connection through movement, mark-making, painting, dance, music, and vocal expression.

Thank you to Wales Arts Council for funding this project.

"All images and music content are the intellectual property of Lianne Morgan and are protected under copyright law, © 2024."

Mewn byd sydd yn gynyddol ddadgysylltiedig, rwy’n ymchwilio i’r ffordd rydyn ni’n cysylltu â’n gilydd a’n hamgylchedd y tu hwnt i gyfyngiadau geiriau ac iaith. Fy nod yw trochi’r gynulleidfa yn yr ymwybyddiaeth ein bod yn cydseinio gyda’n gilydd a’n hamgylchedd trwy ddulliau anniriaethol, anhysbys.

Mae ein celloedd, cyrff, a chalonau yn cyfathrebu ag eraill a’r amgylchedd trwy amleddau – symffoni o olau ac egni sy’n mynd y tu hwnt i iaith gonfensiynol. Mae’r galon, yn arbennig, yn trosglwyddo emosiynau dwfn na all geiriau eu mynegi. Mae’r iaith dawel ond grymus hon o’r galon yn ein hamgylchynu, gan drawsgrifio’n hemosiynau. Wedi fy ysbrydoli gan hyn, crëais recordiad sain o guriad fy nghalon i wasanaethu fel catalydd ar gyfer fy ymchwil i gysylltiad.

Rwy’n defnyddio curiad fy nghalon fel yr elfen ganolog ar gyfer y darn Connecting the Dots. Mae’r gwaith yn berfformiad byw, a chydweithrediad rhwng Anushiye Yarnell, Artist Dawns a Symudiad, Lianne Morgan, Artist Paentio/Creu Marc a Sain, a David John Roche, Cyfansoddwr a Cherddor.

Ni chynhaliwyd unrhyw ymarferion, a chafodd y darn hwn ei greu’n fyrfyfyr, gan gydseinio gyda’n gilydd a’r amgylchedd ar y foment honno.

Mae’r sesiynau hyn wedi’u hanelu at ddileu ffiniau, disgwyliadau, rhwystrau, ac ataliadau, gan feithrin archwiliad pur o gysylltiad trwy symudiad, creu marc, paentio, dawns, cerddoriaeth, ac mynegiant lleisiol.

Diolch i Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru am ariannu’r prosiect hwn.

"Mae’r holl ddelweddau a chynnwys cerddoriaeth yn eiddo deallusol Lianne Morgan ac yn cael eu diogelu dan gyfraith hawlfraint, © 2024."


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