Acrostic Jewelry: Regency Era Fashion Trend

Описание к видео Acrostic Jewelry: Regency Era Fashion Trend

Hello fellow Janeites! I cam across the Regency fashion trend of acrostic jewelry while doing some related research and I fell in love with it! So I wanted to share what acrostic jewelry is with all of you, as well as some lovely examples which I found in my research. Until next time, “run mad as often as you choose, but do not faint.”
P.S. sorry about disappearing for so long, school work piled up and for-fun projects had to be the first thing to go. Hopefully I will be able to put together a few more videos over the summer, so be sure to let me know if there is a topic which you would like me to cover!

00:00 Intro
00:39 What is Acrostic Jewelry
01:33 Some Examples
02:58 Outro


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