
Описание к видео 【殘雪版-渡我不渡她】


幾年後,小和尚的根基越來越高,公主變得越來越美麗。 在這一天郡主帶著悲傷的表情。舉止也很不正常,她停止了笑,但並沒有造成任何麻煩。 小和尚感到困惑,郡主問道:“小和尚,你喜歡我嗎?” 小和尚不說話。 這時郡主的父親出來了,打算把郡主帶走。 郡主卻回頭對小和尚大喊“我喜歡你”,小和尚轉身回到房間。


原來,一位性格不好的廢物皇子被郡主吸引了,想娶小郡主為妻。 小郡主不喜歡他。 為了女兒的幸福,郡主的父親曾經要求小和尚的老師實現女兒的幸福。 但是小和尚的老師說,小和尚是真正的佛陀,他不想放棄小和尚的未來。 婚禮的前一天晚上,醉酒的皇子來到郡主的房間,強行佔領了郡主的純真。



PS:(我把分散的部分片段銜接起來,然後再把音樂加長,讓影片更完整順暢一些,有些接點還是卡卡,多多包涵 ^^)
Story plot...
Once upon a time there was a county lord whose family lived near a temple. When I was young, when I went to a temple with my father to worship Buddha, I met a little monk in the temple who was always knocking on wooden fish. Every day, the county master goes to him to play and bring him some delicious food. The little monk holds the wooden fish, always shy and cautious. When the princess was chatting and laughing, he laughed and listened. The little monk's favorite food is candied haws. Although he never said it, the county master will bring him a candied haws every time he goes to him.

A few years later, the foundation of the little monk is getting higher and higher, and the princess becomes more and more beautiful. On this day, the princess had a sad expression. The behavior was also very abnormal, and she stopped laughing, but it didn't cause any trouble. The little monk was confused, and the princess asked, "little monk, do you like me?" The little monk didn't speak. At this time, the father of the county owner came out and planned to take the county owner away. The county master turned around and shouted "I like you" to the little monk, and the little monk turned around and went back to the room.

The next day, the third day, the fourth day, the county master never appeared again. Day after day passed, and the little monk's cultivation became higher and higher. One day, when he was going to concentrate on studying Buddhism, he heard the bad news—the county master died. She was wearing a red dress and hanged herself.

It turned out that a waste prince with a bad character was attracted by the county master and wanted to marry the small county master as his wife. The little princess didn't like him. For the happiness of his daughter, the father of the county owner once asked the little monk's teacher to realize the happiness of his daughter. But the little monk's teacher said that the little monk is the real Buddha, and he doesn't want to give up the little monk's future. The night before the wedding, the drunk prince came to the county lord's room and forcibly occupied the county lord's innocence.

Looking at the corpse of the county master, the little monk said, "Since the Buddha can't get over her, then I will become a demon to protect her!
"The next day, he found the prince who had forced the county master to death, and after killing the prince with a sword, he sank into a demonic barrier.

In the end, the ghost of the county master got the help of a Taoist priest, endured hardships and went through all kinds of hardships, and found the little monk who was in the midst of the devil. (The picture quality of the Taoist priest is too blurry so I didn't add it)

PS:(I connected some scattered clips, and then lengthened the music to make the film more complete. Some joints are still kaka, please bear with me ^^)


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