Most Satisfying Factory Machines and Ingenious Tools #4

Описание к видео Most Satisfying Factory Machines and Ingenious Tools #4

Here we see the marriage of plastic resin, sharp carving tools, and circular motion all at work
together to make a simple product that we simply couldn’t live without.

The world's first industrial robot was made to weld metal. And ever since then, you can find
mechanized welding machines literally anywhere you find products in need of some
togetherness provided by scorchingly high heat.

Let’s not forget the role industrial food production plays in our lives. Without it, food would be
much less available to people who need it and they would pay much more for it as well.

In the manufacturing industry, a world-class facility runs at 80% utilization or more. That means
that an efficient operation has their machines running at least 80% of the time during a specific
work shift.

Anytime you’re working with chemicals, take a page out of these guys’ playbook and wear
proper safety equipment.

If you’ve ever wondered how tires find their way onto their rims, it's due to the efforts of this
machine and a very patient and dedicated worker like this.

What you’re witnessing here is induction heating where coils are used to heat electrically
conductive materials using an electromagnetic field within the coil, and can reach temperatures
of up to 3000 degrees Celsius or over 5400 degrees fahrenheit.

For every single seemingly mundane plastic product, there’s a machine like this and a person
running it that makes the magic happen.

We all love handcrafted wooden products, but we don’t always like paying the hefty price tag
associated with them. That’s where machines like this come in to provide the world with
beautifully crafted wood products at a fraction of the price.

Instant ramen was invented in 1958 in Japan…And since then, instant ramen accounts for over
100 billion servings every year…But it has to come from somewhere.

Last year in the US, trucks like this accounted for almost 11 and a half billion tons of goods
transported representing about 73% of total domestic tonnage shipped. That’s a lot of stuff.

There isn’t much a water jet cutter can’t slice through. Metal, titanium, glass, hardened steel,
ceramics, plastic, stone, and rubber don’t stand a chance against these modern marvels.

A coordinated dance of mechanical precision resulting in the manufacture of ordinary products
for use in other ordinary products…But without machines like this, our standard of living would
be much, much lower.

If you’re wondering why alloy rims for your car cost so much, here’s your answer. Although
aluminum alloy wheels will have a lower ownership cost over time as they are far more resistant
to rust and corrosion than ordinary wheels.

Working with molten hot metal is a race against time for both the worker and the machine to be
able to form the pieces into their correct shape before the metal cools and becomes brittle.

Frozen pizza never reached industrial production levels until the invention of a flash freezing
technique that prevented the dough from being soggy when cooked. And now Norway leads
the world in consumption of frozen pizzas. But in Norway, everything’s frozen.

Wood pulp like this is made from breaking down the fibrous part of plants, primarily trees or
recycled paper ... Wood pulp is highly renewable, biodegradable, and compostable…And it is
the most common source of fiber for papermaking.

If you’ve got the need to insulate your attic, seal the gaps, and keep the heat where it should be,
you could do a lot worse than this spray foam insulation. Although it’s downside is that it works
too well. If not accounted for, it can sometimes make a space too airtight.

One advantage of using a laser to carve designs into wood is that you can achieve a level of
replicable precision that a human being simply can’t compete with.

In order to stay on the tracks, train wheels will be manufactured with a larger circumference for
the inner part of the wheel versus the outer part. This results in a slightly conical shape, but well
worth it to keep these behemoths headed in the right direction.

Removing excess water from freshly paved roads requires one of these very specialized
machines to essentially sweep it all away.

If you want custom fitted joints, you need a custom joint carving machine. Simple as that.

What purpose do these metal pieces serve?…I don't know. Could our modern world function
without this machine churning them out?…Probably not.

This is a piston…And you can forget about any internal combustion engine working without one.
You have John Ramsbottom to thank for them as he invented them back in the mid-19th

If you’re wondering what happens to all the metal shavings discarded during the manufacturing
process…Wonder no more. They’re all collected and recycled to re-enter the manufacturing
process and be reborn as other products.

#satisfying #factorymachines #ingenioustools


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