Last Resort! Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Chapter 5 Trial Latter 2

Описание к видео Last Resort! Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Chapter 5 Trial Latter 2

Today we continue Rise from the Ashes! The 5th and final chapter from the first game that was only included in the DS port in 2005. This is the longest chapter in the series so get ready for the long ride.

We meet many new characters, like Ema Skye, a highschooler hoping to be a Scientific Investigator when she grows up. Her older sister Lana, is the current Chief Prosecutor for the district. A Patrolman who thinks he's a cowboy, a lunch lady who was actually a Detective until 2 years ago who holds a very strong grudge against all Prosecutors and a very eccentric Officer who claims he's the guilty party. We also get to meet the energetic yet very stern Chief of Police, Damon Gant.

On the day of the "King Of Prosecutors" Award getting handed off to Miles Edgeworth, a Murder takes place just after he pulls into the office. After the murder of Detective Goodman, the body is placed inside of Edgeworth's car's trunk. While the Chief Prosecutor, Lana Skye calls herself the guilty part and is swiftly arrested. All the while a body is discovered inside the Evidence room at the Police Station! Phoenix Wright alongside his new partner in crime, Ema Skye, begin their hunt for the truth. While many new and a few old faces appear it seems much more is going on behind the scenes than is to be let on. An epic uphill battle of wits begins! Can Phoenix get another Not-Guilty verdict after not taking a case for 2 months? Can Ema ever stop fan-girling over Edgeworth? Find out next time in the exciting Season Finale of PHOENIX WRIGHT Z!!!


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