【租村屋中伏!!】遇上史上最無賴業主!天台水浸萬元相機Total loss?!家電壞水喉出屎水無人理...我們怎捱過一年的?!|活生生的教訓...租村屋前必看!|Ft. Emma

Описание к видео 【租村屋中伏!!】遇上史上最無賴業主!天台水浸萬元相機Total loss?!家電壞水喉出屎水無人理...我們怎捱過一年的?!|活生生的教訓...租村屋前必看!|Ft. Emma

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Coupon Code: KATESLEEP

#Emma #housetour

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➡️山野無痕🙏🏻Leave No Trace
1️⃣出發前充份計劃及準備 (Plan Ahead and Prepare)
2️⃣在正規山徑和營地上行走及紮營 (Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces)
3️⃣妥善棄置廢物 (Dispose of Waste Properly)
4️⃣保持原有風貌 (Leave what You Find)
5️⃣減低用火對環境的影響 (Minimize Campfire Impacts)
6️⃣尊重野生動物 (Respect Wildlife)
7️⃣顧及其他遊人 (Be Considerate of Other Visitors)

Hey everyone, Kate Lam here! I'm thrilled to introduce you to my company, Splitdyboat - Founded in 2022. Our mission is to unveil the true beauty of Hong Kong and help you rediscover this incredible city. Did you know that Hong Kong is home to the world's largest group of hexagonal volcanic rock columns? Or that we have a UNESCO Global Geopark with a geological history spanning 400 million years? At Splitdyboat, we're passionate about showcasing these hidden wonders in Hong Kong through our speedboat tours, snorkeling adventures, and kayaking experiences. Join us as we explore the breathtaking Geopark, from its flaming red coasts to mysterious volcanic arches, and uncover the secrets of Hong Kong's natural beauty that most people never get to see!


Hong Kong's Best Boat Tour Visiting World's Largest Hexagonal Columns
大家好,歡迎嚟到小妹嘅YouTube Channel!如果大家有興趣探索更多香港大自然,可以留意我創立嘅公司 Splitdyboat 香港夾船平台。希望大大力話比全世界人知香港有幾靚!香港一個彈丸之地,擁有世界地質公園,除左可以睇到世界上最大嘅六角形火山岩柱群,仲有長達4億年古老嘅地質歷史!2024發現嘅恐龍化石更加確認依到嘅價值。Splitdyboat 有自家培訓嘅熱情導賞員為大家講解,行程由觀光遊船、跳島體驗,獨木舟,浮潛等等都有,歡迎參考我哋網頁...


Instagram :   / splitdyboat  
Facebook :   / splitdyboat  


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