Restroom Deodorization - ProHygiene

Описание к видео Restroom Deodorization - ProHygiene

We reduce bad odors from their source through a continuous drip system by cotrolling the present bacteria proliferation in toilets and urinals.

Discover the powerful ProHygiene solution: the Deodorizer + AntiSplash Filter. These products are used together to get an effective result against bacteria proliferation in toilets and urinals. Our Deodorizer eliminates and reduces contamination from its source while our AntiSplash Filter prevents urine splash and keeps a healthy environment, it also prevents the spread of contaminants present on the footsteps. Enjoy a cleaner and bacteria free environment.

1- It controls the bacteria proliferation in toilets and urinals.
2 - It helps and favors manual cleaning by reaching parts this last one can’t.
3 - It keeps restrooms free of bad odors the 24 hours a day ensuring a positive experience.


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