02 Silent Emotion / Long Vacation Original Soundtrack (1996)フジテレビドラマ ロングバケーション / CAGNET

Описание к видео 02 Silent Emotion / Long Vacation Original Soundtrack (1996)フジテレビドラマ ロングバケーション / CAGNET

CAGNETはLAで日向大介とBud Rizzoが中心にしたデザイナー・シンガー・ドラマー・ギタリスト等、クレジットに記載されていない正式メンバーを含めて総勢20名のバンドマンがインターネットを介してコミュニケートしてレコーディングしていくバンドで、主に日向大介がプロデュース、作曲やアレンジの主軸として活動していた。

フジテレビドラマのサウンドトラック制作では、「ロングバケーション」・「ラブジェネレーション」・「Love Story」で背景とR&Bの融合に挑ぶ

Long Vacation Original Soundtrack (1996)

01 Close to You 〜セナのピアノII Sena's Piano ll
02 Silent Emotion / CALIN
03 Little by Little / Section-S
04 Long Vacation / Anna McMurphy
05 Tiny Tale
06 Sobani Iteyo / AMI
07 Short Wave Radio
08 Noisy Life / Section-S
09 Back-Ground
10 To Live and Die / David
11 Deeper and Deeper / Anna Mcmurphy
12 What will I do / Natalie Burks

Produced by Daisuke Hinata 日向大介
co-produced by Bud Rizzo

CAGNET is a band based in LA, led by Daisuke Hinata and Bud Rizzo, with a total of 20 band members, including designers, singers, drummers, guitarists, and uncredited members, communicating and recording via the Internet, with Daisuke Hinata mainly working as the producer, composer, and arranger.

In producing soundtracks for Fuji TV dramas, they attempted to fuse background music with R&B in "Long Vacation," "Love Generation," and "Love Story."

The soundtrack for Long Vacation sold 832,000 copies, which is unusual for a TV drama soundtrack.
At the time and even now, there is no other artist other than CAGNET who has released a hit song from a soundtrack.

The band was the first in Japan to have a record number one hit in the series, selling 1.5 million copies, the highest number of copies sold in soundtrack history.

日向大介Daisuke Hinata
Producer, Composer, Arranger, Synthesizer, Sound Concept, Piano

Bud Rizzo
Guitar, composer, arranger, sound concept, recording engineer

Anna McMurphy
Lead Vocals

David Henderson

Natalie Burks

Rowan Robertson

Jimi Paxson

Perry Frank


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