Build your own ROV Submarine Seaperch - portable DIY

Описание к видео Build your own ROV Submarine Seaperch - portable DIY

Music credits go to:
Tracktribe - Into the void
   • Видео  

Joey Pecoraro - Jazz Mango
   • Joey Pecoraro - Jazz Mango  

Hope this helps with your own project! Feel free to ask about any further details, since this is all rather compact.
The construction manual for basic version of the seaperch ROV can be downloaded under

Thank you for watching! Enjoy! Much more coming soon!

In the meantime enjoy my previous ROV videos:
Under water dome:    • Homemade Action Cam Dome for DIY ROV ...  
ROV bilge pump motors -    • Homemade ROV engines with Bilgepumps ...  
ROV Thruster Housing -    • ROV Thruster Housings DIY submarine S...  ​
ROV Lighting -    • SeaPerch ROV Lighting - DIY Submarine...  ​
ROV Controllers -    • ROV arcade and basic Controller Box -...  ​
ROV SeaPerch -    • Extreme SeaPerch ROV - DIY Submarine ...  ​
ROV Depth Gauge -    • Selfmade ROV DEPTH Gauge indicator Se...  ​
ROV Tether Projects -    • ROV Tether Projects Touch Muh Hull DIY  ​
ROV Wiring -    • Wiring your ROV controller step by st...  


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