Preview of upcoming report: "100% Solar, Wind & Batteries is Just the Beginning"

Описание к видео Preview of upcoming report: "100% Solar, Wind & Batteries is Just the Beginning"

Video preview of our upcoming report due to be released in the Fall of 2020...

We're on the cusp of the most profound disruption of the energy sectors in over a century.

We're not facing a slow energy transition, we're facing a rapid and total energy transformation and it's already begun.

The disruption is inevitable (for economic reasons), existing coal, gas, nuclear and other assets are stranded. No new investments in those technologies are rational from this point forward.

In our upcoming report, we look into whether going 100% Solar, Wind and Batteries is possible by 2030? We find that the key to understanding how 100% Solar, Wind, and Batteries is achievable and affordable, is what we call "The Clean Energy U-curve". We find that the cleanest system possible by 2030, is also the cheapest system that we can build.

Further, the new system also produces a super-abundance of clean ultra-cheap energy that we call "Super Power".

This super-abundance of clean ultra-cheap energy (Super Power) will be transformative socially, economically, and environmentally, will make communities healthier, it will create millions of jobs, and it will help mitigate climate change.

Up until now, we have been right to conserve energy, to use as little as possible because of the harmful side effects associated with fossil fuels. But the new system architecture (based on solar, wind, and batteries) is not based on the extraction of depleted resources. Conservation means the opposite in the new system. It's not harmful to use sunshine and wind, it's harmful to let them go to waste.


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