The 3 Things Bryan Johnson is Missing From His $2 Million Dollar Longevity Routine: PhD Explains

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What’s the 80/20 of Bryan Johnson’s longevity routine? What can we learn with it that we can use to improve our lives without losing all our time and money in the process?

Bryan Johnson is an entrepreneur who sold his company Braintree Venmo to PayPal for $800 million in 2013, and now identifies as the world’s most measured human, and his goal is to use his Project Blueprint, a longevity project on which he spends $2 million a year, to bring longevity strategies to the common person for the benefit of all humanity.

As a PhD in Nutritional Sciences with over 20 years of research, including the vetting of hundreds of biomarkers, these are the three key types of data I believe he’s missing, what I think we can discard from his plan, what can be improved, and what you can learn from this to apply in your own journey toward a longer and healthier life on a budget of much less than $2 million a year.

Here is the written version of this analysis, with live links and references:


For my protocol to uncover your unique super-unlock using ranked and sorted genetics, functional markers of nutritional status, and markers of idiosyncratic bottlenecks in energy metabolism, see How I Found My Health “Super Unlock” After 20 Years of Research and 20,000 Genes Tested:


00:00 Intro
00:05 Who is Bryan Johnson?
00:56 Johnson Goes to Great Lengths to Bring Longevity Strategies to the Common Man
02:29 What's the 80/20?
03:54 3 Things He's Missing
04:36 Reversible Infertility
06:25 Decreased Sensitivity to Thyroid Hormone
08:02 Calorie Restriction Effect on Lifespan Depends on Genetics
11:02 The 80/20 of Body Composition and Longevity
14:16 Reasons for Genetic Effect on Calorie Restriction
17:39 Hacking the Tests
20:27 Is Johnson’s Energy Metabolism Optimized?
25:42 Missing Ingredient: Functional Markers of Nutritional Status
28:28 Erroneous Interpretation of Nutritional Tests
29:52 Missing Ingredient: Ranked and Sorted Genetics
31:00 The Bottom Line

For more information and to read my work, visit


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