Digimon World: S-Grade Tournament

Описание к видео Digimon World: S-Grade Tournament

Just in case you wondered what else I was up to. This is the hardest tournament in the game, and if you're unlucky with the matchups it can get rough. Luckily, I have the best move in the game, Ice Statue. If you're up against Mamemon or Metalmamemon this move won't work, though, because their hitboxes are too small. I brought along Counter just in case I run into them. Andromon can be hard if he spams Full Potential, but the two opponents I ran into weren't any harder.

I was hoping to fight Myotismon because this tournament is the only way to ever see him in battle, but eh, what can you do.

Also: If you commented on a previous video and the comment seems to not be there, I may have accidentally deleted it, thinking I was just getting rid of the notification, so I apologize. (I don't like the new Creator Studio!)


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