To Keep And To Bear

Описание к видео To Keep And To Bear

by Byron and Paddy

From the constitution of the United States of American 1789: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

[Verse 1]
I got the rifle on my back that my father used to own
And he carried it before me, because a man defends his home
Yes often and hunted deer and a larger game indeed
And in ‘ddition to his sporting he’d tell me of this creed

This gun is good for many things, I’ve learned to use it well
Our founding fathers wrote your rights in stone
One day should our noble country ever go to hell
Just remember son that tyrants are still made of flesh and bone
Just remember they are made of flesh and bone

[Verse 2]
Now this boy became a man, and this man became aware
Of the enemies that threaten all his rights he held dear
You can call them what you want for they go by many names
It don’t matter what you call them, cause I’ll tell them all the same

My gun is good for many things, I’ve learned to use it well
My founding fathers wrote my rights in stone
I seen the way a bastard shot my country all to hell
Just remember that your parasites are made of flesh and bone
Just remember you’re made of flesh and bone

[Verse 3]
There’s one hundred million patriots and three hundred million guns
I’d like to see a coward try and take them one by one
There’s a phrase that’s etched upon the hearts of men across the land
“You will only take our rights away from all our cold dead hands.”

Our guns are good for many things, we’ve learned to use them well
Our founding fathers wrote our rights in stone
We’ve seen our noble country take a nose dive into hell
We outnumber you, you parasites, so best leave us alone
Oh, you tyrants are still made of flesh and bone

Ooooh, our guns are good for many things we’ve learned to use them well
Our founding fathers wrote our rights in stone
The only way to heaven is a rocky road through hell
I just wonder how you tremble as you’ve seen our numbers grow

Remember you’re still made of flesh and bone

Come and take it, I dare you


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