Towers & Gods Ep. 113 - Great Escape

Описание к видео Towers & Gods Ep. 113 - Great Escape

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Episode 113: Great Escape. Brac and Ace have been captured by Makarov and his team of bounty hunters, while the rest of Team Recall begins their plan to rescue them. But do they even need rescuing? Brac, along with the personas hidden inside of his mind, are finally home. What does this mean for Brac, and what does it mean for the rest of the party? And will Team Recall clash with the bounty hunters once again??

Towers & Gods is an epic fantasy adventure based on Dungeons & Dragons. Set 15,000 years before Jue Viole Grace entered the Tower, five Regulars must learn why they were chosen to enter at a time when Jahad's reign was just becoming reality.

Every Friday at 7PM EST!



Izzy ►    / @izzyxp6830  

Hannah Hellwig ►

Son Wu ►    / @sonnywu  

xXMiliosXx ►    / @ggmiliosgaming  

Ruka Samuels ►    / rukasamuels  



xXYorinoYamaXx ►   / xxyorinoyamaxx  



Mixer/Instrumentals ► ‪@davidguthriemusic‬

Singer ► ‪@chiisanauta‬


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