Old MacDonald Went to the Jungle | Animals | Rainforest | 🐸🐵🦜🐍🐘🐯

Описание к видео Old MacDonald Went to the Jungle | Animals | Rainforest | 🐸🐵🦜🐍🐘🐯

Old MacDonald, like all of us, needed a vacation! So he headed to the jungles of the world and searched for his favorite jungle animals. Laced with feathery jokes and furry grooves, this song also serves as a reminder to help contribute to the efforts in saving our planet's rainforests! You can do so by supporting organizations like these:

Rainforest Alliance: https://www.rainforest-alliance.org
Amazon Conservation Association: https://www.amazonconservation.org
World Wildlife Fund (WWF): https://www.worldwildlife.org
Conservation International: https://www.conservation.org
Rainforest Trust: https://www.rainforesttrust.org
The Nature Conservancy: https://www.nature.org
Cool Earth: https://www.coolearth.org
Wildlife Conservation Society: https://www.wcs.org
Amazon Watch: https://www.amazonwatch.org

Thanks for watching, and thanks for helping us help the Earth!

Much love,
Mr. Elephant


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