5 Portrait HACKS Everyone Wishes They Knew Sooner! 📸

Описание к видео 5 Portrait HACKS Everyone Wishes They Knew Sooner! 📸

In today's video, I'll share my top five portrait hacks that everyone wishes they knew sooner to get great portraits! This video was sponsored by Skillshare. The first 500 people to sign up via my link will get two FREE months of Skillshare Premium! https://skl.sh/miguelquiles6

NEW FOR 2021! Learn my top 5 PHOTOSHOP HACKS that I use to retouch my portraits like a pro!
   • 5 Photoshop Hacks That Will TRANSFORM...  

Since everyone is asking, here's where you can get the shirt I'm wearing! https://amzn.to/2Px3KZi

Gear Used (B&H/Amazon affiliate links):
Sony a7riii https://bhpho.to/2G8n0rD or https://amzn.to/2N3WUbW
Sony 85mm 1.4GM https://bhpho.to/2G7Bkkc
Sony 70-200GM https://bhpho.to/2G7rRJR
Sony Battery Grip http://amzn.to/2F7LuR6
Sony High Speed SD Card http://amzn.to/2HjwlNh
Profoto D2 https://bhpho.to/2GcS4GD
Westcott 7 foot white umbrella https://bhpho.to/2G5U6IM
Lastolite Tri-Flector https://bhpho.to/2HQOu
Savage Backdrop https://bhpho.to/2Gl8JrZ
HP Zbook X2 https://bhpho.to/2MJuqoe
Tether Cable https://bhpho.to/2HNYIpu
Tether Table https://bhpho.to/2HNHpVr
Kupo Roller Stand https://amzn.to/2Gw67ZK
Kupo Grip Head https://amzn.to/2MWYmgx
Kupo Boom Arm https://amzn.to/2Gjq2fg
Sandbag http://amzn.to/2BvyuVt

Model: Julianna

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Web: https://www.miguelquiles.com

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  / improveyourphotography  

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