UFO Sightings Interstellar Transdimensional Alien Technology? Dr. Steven Greer Explains Part 2

Описание к видео UFO Sightings Interstellar Transdimensional Alien Technology? Dr. Steven Greer Explains Part 2

UFO Sightings Interstellar Transdimensional Alien Technology? Dr. Steven Greer Explains Part 2 Dr. Greer joined Blake Cousins & Dr. J Andy Ilias live on Thirdphaseofmoon radio October 10 to talk about amazing information. Watch Part 1 Click Link!    • UFO Sightings False Flag ET's Created...   Everything from contacting ET's teaching people to contact for themselves & just as importantly, to know the difference between the real ETs & the false flag ET's possibly brought by the government to scare people away from contacting the friendly ETs who are waiting for us to have open contact. This & so much more on this amazing interview. See Dr. Greer's info on www.siriusdisclosure.com & check out his ET Contact Tool app for all smartphones & tablets. Also join us LIVE every Thursday 8-10 pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT-4) on revolution radio, www.freedomslips.com Studio A & call in & ask questions 818-923-1713. Upcoming guests for October include Stanton Friedman, Colin Andrews & so many more. See the schedule on www.thirdphaseofmoon.net & so much more there. And if you have captured anything amazing, contact us via Skype or Facebook!

Vortex clip provided to Thirdphaseofmoon by youtube ProjectUFOs

Watch Now The Entire Film "Sirius" Click Link! http://www.yekra.com/sirius/#!/deploy...

Music by Eivind Bjordal & Paul Barrett Kvfive

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