ZQWY - CYBER LOGOS 👾 Cyber Music 👾 Digital Dystiopia 👾 Dying Humanity

Описание к видео ZQWY - CYBER LOGOS 👾 Cyber Music 👾 Digital Dystiopia 👾 Dying Humanity


Humanity Versus Artificial Intelligence...

👾 Cyber Music 👾
👾 Digital Dystiopia 👾
👾 Dying Humanity 👾
👾 No Emotions Music 👾
👾 Dark Electronic Music 👾

Download Tracks And Talking With Me:
🦝 https://t.me/z_q_w_y

00:00 - The Word Flesh Was 🜊
01:34 - Metal Basis Everything 🜂
03:25 - Space And time 🜃
07:27 - There Is No Hope 🜅
09:46 - Automatization 🜆
14:51 - Arche At OS 🜇
17:50 - Digital Multiplex Hierarchy 🜈
21:06 - Circuit Breaker 🜉
23:47 - Neuro Sub 🜁
26:40 - Executive Functions 🜋
28:52 - Petroleum 🜌
30:52 - Forced Strike 🜍
34:26 - Anti Social 🜎
36:49 - Null 🜏
39:53 - Virus 🜐
42:29 - Post Information 🜑
45:01 - Digital Sublime 🜒
47:44 - Last Instument 🜒
53:02 - No Pain 🜔
56:00 - Wither 🜘
59:07 - Cluster 🜙
01:01:41 - The Urban Genome 🜚
01:05:08 - The Saints 🜛
01:06:35 - Proxy 🜜
01:08:15 - Plasma 🜝
01:10:22 - No Emotions 🜞
01:12:18 - Absurdistan 🜟
01:16:44 - Meeting 🜠
01:18:29 - To Entrophy 🜠
01:20:14 - Internet Freedom 🜢
01:23:37 - Fonticulua 🜣
01:25:54 - Fusing Disk 🜤
01:27:02 - Chemical Heart 🜥
01:29:15 - Drill Baby 🜰
01:34:26 - Synthetic Life 🜾
01:36:59 - Aperture Diaphragm 🜲

#zqwy #cybermusic #darksynth #synthmusic #music #electronicmusic #synth


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