Cherry Blossom - the Fantastic Flying Frogs

Описание к видео Cherry Blossom - the Fantastic Flying Frogs

Love/Suicide ballads were a popular musical genre in feudal Japan, and continue to be so to this day. This song takes the old Child Ballad “the Daemon Lover,” a.k.a. “The House Carpenter” made popular by Bob Dylan and others, and flips it on its head, where the demon comes as the dead wife of a lonely samurai, tempting him to jump off a cliff to his doom. I wrote this song in 1995 or 1996 while a student at Earlham College where I took a music of Japan course as part of my major in music. It was also inspired by The Beach Boys songs Sumahama and Somewhere Near Japan.

I originally began recording this version with my friend Chad Evans in 2012, intending it to be an acoustic guitar driven, sparse haunting version of the song, but my job moved me and I never completed it. A friend made me promise to “do something” with the song, so I dug out the old recording and finished it off, Beach Boy style.

If you are struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts call 1-800-633-3446 or 1-800-273-8255 today.

With Special Guest Drummer Chad Evans
Words and Music: Willy Minnix
Copyright 1997 WillyMinnix

#janglepop #beachboyfan #surfmusic #suicide prevention


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