EuroGEO 2023: Sustainability of Coastal Services

Описание к видео EuroGEO 2023: Sustainability of Coastal Services

Audrey Hasson (Mercator Ocean International / GEO Blue Planet)
Muriel Lux (Mercator Ocean International)
Scope and Objectives:
The session aims at understanding the need for sustained Coastal Services from the Copernicus Marine Service to national and private service providers in Europe and globally.
Presentations – session layout:
Welcome note – co-chairs
Copernicus Marine Service and the Copernicus Coastal Hub
A sustainable EU solution:
Muriel Lux (Mercator Ocean International, France)
A member state vision:
Andrea Taramelli (ISPRA –Copernicus User Forum, Italy)
Detecting and forecasting Sargassum
Marion Sutton (CLS, France)
NextOcean: Next Generation Fishing and Aquaculture Services
Pedro Ribeiro (DEIMOS, Portugal)
Providing early warning system for pollution
Ghada El Serafy (Deltares, The Netherlands)
Round table discussion
Moderator: Muriel Lux (Mercator Ocean International, France)
Guided discussion
Open Floor
EuroGEO 2023: linking national, European, and global perspectives
Bolzano/Bozen - Italy
Monday 2, Thusday 3, Wednesday 4 October 2023
Location: Eurac Research
Final videos will be also available via:


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