Keith Tippet Group - Dedicated to You, But You Weren’t Listening (1971) Jazz prog canterburiano

Описание к видео Keith Tippet Group - Dedicated to You, But You Weren’t Listening (1971) Jazz prog canterburiano

Benvenuti nella Miniera del rock! Oggi commistioni di generi: dal free jazz al jazz più canonico passando per Canterbury, per un album davvero interessante, ben suonato e con tante idee! Oggi parliamo del grande pianista Keith Tippet!

Keith Tippet / piano, Hohner electric piano
Nick Evans / trombone
Mark Charig / cornet
Elton Dean / alto sax, saxello
Gary Boyle / guitar
Robert Wyatt / drums


Lato A
This Is What Happens
Thoughts To Geoff
Green And Orange Night

Lato B
Gridal Suite
Five After Dawn
Dedicated To You, But You Weren't Listening
Black Horse

Etichetta: Vertigo - 6360 024



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