Sounds From The Corner : Collaboration #2 White Shoes and The Couples Company x Sentimental Moods

Описание к видео Sounds From The Corner : Collaboration #2 White Shoes and The Couples Company x Sentimental Moods

Just like its name, Artwarding Night venue Gudang Sarinah is physically a warehouse. But when Ricky Virgana started to bow his Cello, inescapably the place changed into a dance ballroom. I can see people were secretly dancing on their mind. The focus pivoted to the cool cellist, and I was charmed, romanticized at the same time spoiled by the handsome architecture of arrangement showcased on the stage. At that precise point when bittersweetness prevailed, Sentimental Moods’ horns artillery fired up boisterous sounds and that’s when I realized that the party has begun.

Dapper gentlemen + hued cool kids equals brilliance. From the beginning, I can dig that the collaboration represents not only good music but also focus on content and harmony. Observing the local scene landscape, Sentimental Moods is a rare breed - they fuel you with pure groove, the absence of vocal section grants them fluidity in terms of exploration and articulation. Paired with WSATCC’s solid and dominant presence, Sentimental Moods’ independence resulted in firm kinship.

The playful yet majestic Paying Fantasi was the right appetizer since the re-imagined version of Jembatan Merah put the mood just in the perfect place. Coupled with the solid beat, Nona Sari’s voice was just too elegant to be ignored, her presence is undoubtedly one of WSATCC’s strongest bargaining chips during the whole performance. Everyone should agree that Nona Sari paints the band’s personality with grace and consistency. WSATCC is that kind of band that is equipped with commitment to entertain. Years of career, tens of countries and continents shaped them with attitude and personality.

Witnessing one of the most succulent performances throughout the year, I can’t help but to analyze. Although the transitions were a bit bumpy - IMO mainly because both of the groups only utilize one drum set for the whole set - the show was definitely entertaining. Sentimental Moods’ swagger was key, gang leader + architect Masmo was the perfect man to orchestrate the set, putting keys not only to build, but also to anticipate. Masmo might be an old timer, but he is definitely ballsy onstage.

Sentimental Moods blew my mind with how they re-construct the performance. Previously on a different interview, I semi-interviewed them on one of their rehearsals with Cikini’s finest. One of the questions was about (of course) the absence of vocal. Sitting on a bench wearing slick Fred Perry polo, Masmo responded to the question slowly but surely, “We fully realized that vocalist is a prominent element in a band’s performance, therefore we are working hard to replace it with something equally important. The Moods’ horn section is not just to fill vocal lines, but they also act as our firestarters.” A blind man surely put more attention to his ears, and that's just the perfect equivalent to describe how Sentimental Moods become this big and bold dance machine.

WSATCC’s killer cover of Aksi Kucing ended the show with style and some serious Pogo fun. Both bands showed class when they could blend two different music style seamlessly, leaving the crowd wanting more. Ladies and Gentlemen, Sounds From the Corner presents White Shoes & the Couples Company featuring Sentimental Moods for Artwarding Night 2015. Enjoy! - Teguh Wicaksono


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