Countryhumans react to USA’s AUs | Countryhumans | Sylveon Animates

Описание к видео Countryhumans react to USA’s AUs | Countryhumans | Sylveon Animates

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Wanna use my video in a compilation or reaction? Go ahead! Just credit me and if you are making a reaction video, I would love to see my video in it so if you want please tag me!

!Important info!
Here’ an explanation of all the AUs
Main AU: just my main AU
Genderbend AU: Female Verson of USA
Dead AU: USA Is dead
Child Timeline:USA as a child, as a child USA was abused ( If you watched the [AS] video you would know
Mistakes:after USA answers Frances question Frances face Is supposed to stay the but It changes back to what It was before
Hanahkai AU: im not exactly sure what this Is but It’ used In every AU Video, all I know Is the person coughs up blood
Countryhumans X FNaF AU: a Mixture of Countryhumans and FNaF, this is USA and Michael swaped
Post RE’s death Timeline: after Russian Empires death, USA saw him as a father so that’s why he calls him papa
Mistakes: forgot to change Japans face at the beginning of this one
Post Soviets death timeline: after the Soviet Union’s death USA blames himself
Never existed AU: If USA never existed, also everyone but Soviet,RE,and japan cover their because its too bright
Feminine AU: USA become feminine but Is shunned by his father
RusAme AU: we don’ talk about RusAme no no no
Main AU by USA X Japan: this Is my main AU I just wanted to show off my ship
God AU: bow before your god
Sterotypical AU: btw this one I in no way meant to be offensive, anyways, when I first joined the fandom 1 or 2 years ago this was all the designs I saw
Saved RE AU: Jumped in Front of the Bullet Soviet shot at RE
Swap AU: USA but Japan
Soft AU: Not the USA you know, he hates war and conflict
Human AU: Ayo what the heck
Citizen AU: yes that’s what my citizens look like
Only one left AU: Everyone else Is dead Isnt that fun

0:00 Intro
0:17 video begins
1:21 break 1
1:31 break over
2:23 break 2
2:42 break over
3:43 outro

§ characters used §
Russian empire
Russian federation

$ apps used $
Gacha Club

/ time taken \
3 and a half days

[ social media ]
Roblox: iloveguineapigs192 screen name: sylveon ( this is my only social media so if you see anyone uploading my video ( without credit) or pretending to be me, please notify me ASAP)


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