Short Book Summary of A New Guide to Rational Living by Albert Ellis

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"A Guide to Rational Living" provides much sought-after answers for individuals with problems, and it can help everyone to feel better about themselves and to deal with their lives more effectively.

On the similar lines when I was greatly influenced by Dale Carnegie self-help books, this is a book which provides a much deeper, realistic, case based psychological perspective of self-help and how many things we do as an average human, could be done in a better manner - in pursuit of happiness. "Recognizing and attacking neurotic behavior", "Tackling dire needs for approval", "How to stop blaming and start living", "Acquiring self-discipline" are some of the great chapters this book has and lift the veil on many things we perceive differently, as well as how we could alter the "B" (belief system) to get to a different "C" (emotional consequence). Absolutely a recommended read for those interested in psychology, are patient and need some self-help.

Amazing. I read another of Ellis' books previous to this, which covered a lot of the same ideas, but this one was a lot better for me. Fuller and clearer. The 'Overcoming Inertia And Getting Creatively Absorbed' chapter particularly struck home with me. I just read one of Edward de Bono's books which made me feel like I had a real effective box of tools to approach creative thinking with, and this book has done the same thing for approaching dysfunctional emotions and neuroses. I'm always skeptical with self-help type books, because sounding great doesn't mean something will actually be effective, but there seems to be pretty solid scientific support from various studies to back up these techniques, and I've already started making them a part of my life.
(I read a later updated edition of the book (3rd edition) called 'a guide to rational living', which doesn't seem to be listed on goodreads)

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