How My Hip Pain Turned Out To Be Stage 4 Cancer

Описание к видео How My Hip Pain Turned Out To Be Stage 4 Cancer

This is a short story about the series of confusing events that took place that led me to be diagnosed with stage four testicular #cancer

From a deadly car accident that killed my best friend and shattered my pelvis, to a painkiller addiction that stopped me from seeking help due to the #fear of being labeled a pill-head.

I spent nearly four months dealing with increasingly severe pain. Until it got so bad one night that I drove myself to the ER and practically crawled to the front-desk.

That was the start of my journey with cancer.
Now I’m not only fighting to live, but also to preserve the life I’ve built.
Like many cancer patients, medical bills, rent, house and credit card bills and expenses threaten to destroy my livelihood.

My best friend created a “go fund me” page where friends, family, and complete strangers have all been supporting me in an incredible way.

Any support is greatly appreciated.

#cancerawareness #cancerfighter #myjourney #cancersurvivor #cancertreatment #chemotherapy #uhoh #saywhat #addiction #painkiller #believeitornot #fearless


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