Important New Digimon TCG Rulings - Jogress Evolution Explained! (Digimon TCG News)

Описание к видео Important New Digimon TCG Rulings - Jogress Evolution Explained! (Digimon TCG News)

Jogress evolution is coming in those new starter decks and the good news is we now have a whole bunch more info about it works! Come see!

New Starter Decks Opening:    • Early Opening - BOTH New Digimon TCG ...  
BT6 Booster Box Opening:    • EARLY Double Diamond (BT6) Digimon TC...  
Super Early BT5 English Opening:    • SUPER EARLY Battle of Omni (BT5) Digi...  

News etc.
First BT8 Card (Zhuqiaomon is nuts):    • FIRST Card from BT8 New Hero Revealed...  
Grankuwagamon & Other ST9 Cards:    • Grankuwagamon & More Digimon Revealed...  
BT6 PreRelease Opening:    • BT6 Double Diamond PreRelease Kit Ope...  
Sistermon Ciel / Noir Official Ruling:    • Important Rule Change Announced! Sist...  
Hyper Rare Ghost Omnimon is Coming:    • HYPER Rare "Ghost" Omnimon IS Coming!...  
ST9 / ST10 Exclusive Promos & More:    • Beautiful Starter Deck Promos, Tamers...  
Tournament Pack 3:    • New Digimon TCG Tournament Pack 3 Rev...  
Salmon is very weird:    • Super Weird Salamon & More Starter De...  
ST10 Cards:    • Dual-Color Imperialdramon & More Star...  
Tamer Pack 8:    • Tamer Pack 8 Revealed! Gabumon Prize ...  
1st ever Dual-Color Options:    • First Ever Dual-Colour Option Cards R...  
Angewomon & LadyDevimon (Starter Decks):    • ALL Yellow Digimon Have Retaliation N...  
ST11 announced and EX-02 News:    • New Starter Deck Announced & More EX-...  
Dual-Colour Digimon (ST9 & ST10):    • Dual-Colour Digimon Revealed! New Sta...  
BT8 - New Set Revealed:    • New Digimon TCG Set Revealed! ST8: Ne...  

Winning Decks:
Green / Yellow Hybrid (BT7):    • Green / Yellow Hybrid is a GREAT New ...  
Blue Hybrid (BT7):    • I Told You Blue Hybrid Was Awesome No...  
AncientTroymon:    • AncientTroymon & Nidhoggmon Take Away...  
Titamon (Purple):    • Titamon is Winning with Some Awesome ...  
Argumon Bond of Courage:    • Soooo Many Agumon! Agumon Bond of Cou...  
Gabumon Bond of Friendship:    • Gabumon Just Became one of the Best D...  
3 Musketeers:    • 3 Musketeers are Looking Good in the ...  
Jesmon - New Best Deck:    • There's a New Best Deck in the Digimo...  
Rookie Rush (Yellow / Green):    • Rookie Rush Just Got a Whole Lot Bett...  
LordKnightmon with WarGreymon:    • Can WarGreymon Make the Best Deck Eve...  
DanDevimon:    • DanDevimon Just Got REALLY Good in th...  
D-Brigade (Weird List):    • D-Brigade Digimon Decks Just Got Gooo...  

How to Play:    • COMPLETE! How to Play the New Digimon...  
Buyer's Guide:    • The Complete Digimon TCG Buyer’s Guid...  


Decklist shared by:   / nsangamingandproductions  
Original Source:   / hbstgolobosoga  


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