Passing Safely on a Firefighter Ground Ladder

Описание к видео Passing Safely on a Firefighter Ground Ladder

This firefighter ground ladder training teaches firefighters to navigate passing each
other safely on the ladder while also training them on how to carry a baby down a
ladder. Below is a transcription of the firefighter training video:


What happens if I climb up this ladder,
mom yelling at me, “Save my baby, save my baby!”
You’re up there and you’re down here.

So I’m up here on the ladder, momma just gave me baby.
Hey, baby is on my left.

Left side!

See, that? So if I got the baby on my left, he’s coming up.
We want to see that baby between us. I have the baby in my left arm and he is hugging the left beam.

Or how ‘bout this…Right? Hug this beam.

Cause I got my coat, my air pack, you got a pack on. Now this guy comes down.
We’ve got to hug this beam while this transition’s happening.

What are we doing there? Balancing the ladder

* The training views expressed in this video are those of the training instructors, and not Fire Spotlight. The actions in this video are inherently dangerous and could result in death; should the viewers choose to adopt any views expressed in this video, he/she is doing so at his/her own risk. Fire Spotlight encourages viewers to review his/her department's Standard Operating Procedures when adopting any new training views.


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