Bungelow Tour Rio Perdido Hotel With Thermal River and Spa Room Bagaces Costa Rica

Описание к видео Bungelow Tour Rio Perdido Hotel With Thermal River and Spa Room Bagaces Costa Rica

Development in Rio Perdido has been designated within an area that will sum up to less than 5% of the total land area once all of the phases are completed. We have chosen an extremely interesting point for focusing said development; a place flaunting unique natural phenomena. But we also chose sites based on ecologically sound judgment. These were either scarce of forest cover or allowed us to creatively design around the present flora. So, the topography was the main inspiration for the design concepts.

Because of the overwhelming and practically unanimous desire of our visitors to remain in the reserve and be able to carry out the myriad of activities available, we saw the need to carry out this first hotel phase.

Getting a bit more into the elements that inspired the design: the hotel site is just north of the amazing convergence point. This means that two deep canyons flank it. One is a completely vertical gorge carrying cool waters with a peculiar white tint and the other is our thermo-mineral Rio Perdido. We want guests to remain conscious of this magical setting and thus, designed bungalows that would allow most elements to permeate through the unit’s four sides. The ever-present breezes, the crisp light, the sounds of the surrounding forest…these are elements that we sought to preserve while insuring comfort to our guests. More importantly, these are elements practically force peace upon guests!

Among the many techniques that we employed out of respect for the topography is the pylon architecture. The bungalows are suspended above the ground via 7 well grounded columns.

The 20 bungalows are distributed into 3 segments, according to the gradient lines. From top to bottom, these segments have 7, 5, and 8 units. They truly each offer a unique experience. Access to the bungalows is served via elevated pathways that connect to general circulation pathways and hiking trails.

The different focal zones of the project can be accessed by foot, bicycle, or compact-electric cars that offer transport service. While said areas are not far from one another, it is up to the guests as to how they will move about.

The modular build-style of the bungalows serves to insure minimal impact, as far as maintenance and footprint are concerned. The unit’s shell is composed of steel and light walls of a strong and inert composition. Details include fine wood accents, stainless steel, nylon rope, and polished concrete floors. We have designed something special that is both clean and warm.


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