The categories of shirk and which one exits you from Islam. By Alamah Al-Fawzaan

Описание к видео The categories of shirk and which one exits you from Islam. By Alamah Al-Fawzaan

The types of shirk and which one exits you from the religion of Islam. By Alamah Salih Al-Fawzaan

   • The categories of shirk and which one...  

May Allah be good to you. This questioner asks; may Allah
bless you, what are the types of shirk and which one takes you
out of the fold of Islam?

Shirk is of two types. 1. Shirk Al-Akbar (Greater shirk) which
takes one out of the fold of Islam. For example sacrificing
for other than Allah, making vows with other than Allah,
seeking aid of the dead, and praying to the dead (ie asking
them for something), and other than that from the types of
worship, and they are many.

So if a person comes with any of this, whether it be to a dead
or living person (ie sacrificing for a dead/living person etc),
for indeed this is shirk al-akbar (major shirk)

And the mosques (masaajid) are for Allah (Alone),
so invoke not anyone along with Allah. (Al Jinn:18)

And whoever invokes (or worships), besides Allah, any other
Ilah (god), of whom he has no proof, the his reckoning is
only with his Lord. Surely! Al-Kafirun (the disbelievers in Allah
and in the oneness of Allah, polytheists, pagans, idolaters etc)
will not be succesful. (Al-Mu'minoon: 117)

He named him a kaafir. And Allah azza wa jal said; "And your
Lord said, invoke me (ie believe in my oneness (islamic
monetheism) (and ask me for anything) I will respond to your
(invocation). Indeed! Those who scorn my worship [ie do not
invoke me, and do not believe in my oneness, (Islamic
monotheism)] they will surely enter Hell in humiliation!"
Humankind cannot scorn at prayer/worship.

and not seeking aid by way of dua (invocation) (to Allah),
and say instead it didn't benefit me and which resembles
the likes of that (speech).

Invocation has a great station, and invocation is worship, it's
the greatest type of worship. So this completes the first part
of the question, regarding Shirk Al-Akbar (major shirk).

2. As for Shirk Al-Asghar (minor/lesser shirk), like, showing off.
Like the following speech, "If it wasn't for Allah and you...",
and making oaths without mentioning Allah. These are the
types of shirk al-asghar. Shirk asghar is also what is
apparent as well as hidden (ie in the heart) which is Riyaa
(showing off)

So the muslim avoids all the types of shirk that is asghar and
akbar (minor/major). Shirk Akbar takes you out of the fold of
Islam, whereas Shirk Asghar doesn't, however it reduces
your eemaan (faith).


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