
Описание к видео #557

A playthrough of the final boss Archmage in Yumeji's boss hack for Mutant Fighter/Death Brade

This game was a request by the user Ariel Vazquez.


Download this boss hack from my MEGA. You'll need the original rom as well to make it work, however:



During my early days of arcade emulation, roughly around 10 years ago in fact, I once downloaded a certain game. The name sounded good, and booting it up I certainly enjoyed the look of it. What followed though was one of the most gruelling, taxing experiences of my gaming life. The gameplay was the tortuously slow, the music so repititive I'm pretty sure it violates the Geneva Conventions, and the whole process made all the worst by the fact that it just kept going, level after level. It just never seemed to stop. As I got to the bosses, these battles turned into even longer slog fests. Every time I wanted to end the game, I just couldn't bring myself to do so. I knew I just had to beat it, or I'd regret it. Eventually, after who knows how long, I finally defeated the final boss of the game, and finished it entirely. I deleted the rom, and tried to forget entirely about the game, only finding its name again years later as I scoured the internet for every fighting game known to man. This was that game. And the Archmage was "that" boss.

Mutant Fighter oddly enough retains a bit of a cult following nowadays, for reasons beyond my knowledge, to the extent that Yumeji even made a boss hack for it, for some reason. I should also say that this is the last boss hack I have to cover, which makes this something of an end of an era.

To say playing as Archmage was cathartic would be an understatement. He is one of the single most un-apologetically overpowered bosses in existence. He exists to steal money, and nothing more. In a melee-based game, nearly all of his attacks consist of projectiles. Now, sometimes melee fighters have a boss with a projectile attacks (ones of the top of my head include Devil in Tekken 2, True Ogre in Tekken 3, Jinpachi in Tekken 5, Azazel and Nancy in Tekken 6, Tengu and DoA 2 and so on), but there's a difference. In those games, the bosses have a risk/reward projectile as a part of their attack, which a skilled player can usually dodge and/or counter. Archmage on the other hand is just a spamfest. He can launch energy waves, trials of fire, arrows made of stone, meteors from the sky, stalagmites, and all of these attacks are his regular attacks. They are there to make the player's life a nightmare. And the kicker? The absolute, unabashed kicker? HE HAS THE ABILITY TO TELEPORT AT WILL, AND THIS TELEPORT WILL ALWAYS KNOCK THE PLAYER DONE. Your only way to hit him is to get close to him, but as soon as you get close to him, he can and will teleport away to safety. And then? He'll just spam you to death with projectiles, because you're his goddamn plaything.

I don't like the Archmage, as you can probably tell. There is no denying however that he is fascinatingly broken. So broken that I can complain this game in half the time with him that I can the other bosses in the game. And the other bosses in the game are broken too. That's just how much more powerful Archmage is, on the whole. The boss hack's in the description as always, if you want to try him out. You'll also need the base rom for it too, I might add.


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