20130702 锵锵三人行 美国政治比《国土安全》Homeland剧情更可怕

Описание к видео 20130702 锵锵三人行 美国政治比《国土安全》Homeland剧情更可怕

陈丹青 1953年生于上海。当代最具影响力艺术家,作家,文艺评论家,学者。毕业于中央美术学院。1970年—1978年辗转赣南、苏北农村插队落户,其间自习绘画,是当时颇有名气的"知青画家"。1980年以《西藏组画》轰动中外艺术界,成为颠覆教化模式,并向欧洲溯源的发轫,被公认为具有划时代意义的经典之作。绘画之余,出版文学著作十余部。陈丹青无论画风与文风,都具有一种优雅而朴素;睿智而率真的气质,洋溢着独特的人格魅力。ChenDanQing 1953 Born in Shanghai. The most influential contemporary artists, writers, literary critics and scholars. Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. 1970 -1978 onward, southern Jiangxi, Jiangsu rural Chaduilahu, during study hall painting, was quite well known "youth painter." 1980 to "Tibet group painting" sensation abroad arts, becoming subversive enlightenment model, traceable to the European Faren, is recognized as a landmark classic. Painting I, published literature dozen. ChenDanQing both style and style, have an elegant and simple; wise and outspoken temperament, filled with unique charisma.


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