Guide to kayaking Peterson Creek

Описание к видео Guide to kayaking Peterson Creek

Made this video to help create a guide to Peterson creek.
Peterson Creek is a stellar class IV run located a few miles outside of Juneau. The first half features a really fun class 3 section with a tree or two to avoid. The second half is where you will find some class IV drops.

We ran this low so folks can get an idea of what the rocks look like, especially in the second half where you are dropping 4 to 8 ft into shallow pools.

Easy scouting, so its all good. You can walk around most things if you aren't feeling it.

Plan on 6 hours round trip.

We took out at the landslide, not sure how much is left before the 50ft un-runnable waterfall.

Many thanks to the OG crew who have the first descent and put their beta on the Juneau whitewater group.


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