baseball poet - HARRY E NORTHUP

Описание к видео baseball poet - HARRY E NORTHUP

A video excerpt from the baseball poetry CD "Los Angeles Bards -- Live In Pasadena" featuring Harry E. Northup. Poem recited "Birth Movies Child Rest Glow Learn Church Steal".

For more information about this compilation poetry CD up visit

Description of the CD "Los Angeles Bards -- Live In Pasadena":

Armed with his official lineup card, player-manager Michael C Ford, the Lou Boudreau of the Los Angeles poetry scene, introduces each of the wordsmiths as they step to the plate. Their poems cover a panoramic view of the base- ball landscape, from pickup softball and semi-pro to the
major leagues, exploring the game's inner magic and meaning and recalling its cult heroes and icons such as Ted Williams, Steve Bilko and Kirk Gibson. Also appearing inside the poets' "interior diamonds" as role players are
Marcus Aurelius, Gertrude Stein and God. And now, the sun is shining, the umpires have made their way on to the field. So, without further delay. PLAY BALL!


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